When THE RAIN is released in the first month of the year, it is a sign that the planting will start early; the seeds will be effective when they are planted; the land will be green; and the harvest will be Abundant!
In many agrarian communities, the first rain of the year signals the beginning of the new planting/farming season. If the heaven over a community is shut for an extended period, it portends danger both for the humans and animals because the previous harvest will be exhausted before the next expected harvest, and the drought in the land would have a drastic effect on the vegetation and animals.
God's word concerning this year and decade is clear: He promised to release the rain in the first month so that there would be an overflow of the harvest of His Blessings! (Joel 2:23-25). God's blessings make one rich and no sorrow is added or attracted! (Proverbs 10:22).
Your faith and corresponding actions determine the quantity and quality of your harvest this year, this decade and beyond!
1. Believe God's word so that you will be well positioned; believe God's servant so that you will prosper! (2 Chronicles 20:20)
2. Plant good seeds very early:
- the declaration of your mouth must be in alignment with your desires for the year and decade!
- rejoice with those who rejoice. Tap into Blessings by connecting to God's blessings and Grace with a good attitude. You cannot attract what you attack!
3. Vision Board - the size of your harvest will be as far as you can see! (Genesis 13:14-15)
4. Goals and Expectations: The expectations of the righteous (those who believe in, and are in right standing with God) will not be cut short! The number of vessels you gather in anticipation of the harvest will determine the size of your harvest. The oil will not stop flowing until the last vessel is filled! (2 Kings 4).
You should not start the year by complaining bitterly or negatively about the first month!
God has released the rain in this first month! Position yourself for an Overflowing harvest by sowing good seeds!
Believe in your heart! See it with the eyes of faith! Confess with your mouth! Connect with good seeds - your substance and corresponding actions! Experience the physical manifestation of God's Overflowing Blessings! (Proverbs 3:9-10).
May your barns (financial, material, academic, marital, professional, Ministerial, social, spiritual, etc) be filled with plenty, and may you experience the new wine in your life and ministry in Jesus Name, Amen!
It's Our Year of Experiencing and enjoying God's Overflowing Blessings!
Rev. Edosa Edobor
Abundant Life Int'l Church
(The Overflowing Life Church Inc.),
Ekpan, via Warri,
For prayers, counselling or enquiries:
Call/SMS: +2348034812701, +2349050220653
Email: revedosa@yahoo.com