Insecurity: President Muhammadu Buhari; the Failed General

President Muhammadu Buhari; the Failed General

Comrade Nelson Idoro

Nigeria is gradually falling into a state of anarchy under the watch of President Muhammadu Buhari who is supposedly a retired Major General, this is in respect of the very precarious situation we face each passing day.

The country's Security Formations is being attacked on daily basis, yet, Major General Buhari has proven that he is weak in acting in tackling and addressing key issues affecting the country. Buhari has failed woefully. He has shown the State to be incapacitated in handling its primary duty of securing lives and properties as enshrined in section 14 (2b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. I see no reason why he is still occupying the seat of the Power. He should simply give way for a more capable and competent hand to come in. 

Our National Assembly members should show to Nigerians that they are not incapacitated and clueless as President Muhammadu Buhari by igniting or invoking Section 143 of the Nigeria Constitution on the President because it has become imperative that this ferocious move is considered at this perilous time.

Abduction of citizens and attacks on security operatives are on the increase each passing day, yet, President Muhammadu Buhari has not seen any need why he should address the nation on the worsening insecurity situation all over the country to show that he is in the know of the day to day activities happening in our dear nation, Nigeria. Upon this insecurity and among others, President Muhammadu Buhari was elected but, since he could not act accordingly in halting the insecurity tension in the country, he has proven himself to be unfit to remain in that office. 

The importance of Muhammadu Buhari addressing the nation and declaring State of Emergency on Security can not be over emphasized, this is because, his coming out will help reduce the very visible tension in the country in the following ways:

1. Addressing the nation over the insecurity in the country will send a strong signal to those involved, sponsoring or instigating the barbaric act.

2. The morale of all security personnel across the country will be boosted.

3. It will make Nigerians repose confidence in him (Buhari).

But, what we have seen in the past few weeks goes to show that President Buhari is an occasional President who only speaks on annual ceremonies in the country. He is not fit anymore in administering the affairs of the country.

I hereby call on the National Assembly to save our dear country from crumbling by launching the process of impeaching the President. 
The most appropriate time to act is now, our country is at the verge of collapse and we cannot fold our hands and watch it fizzle out.

Editor's Note: Comrade Nelson Idoro is a Human Right Activist, Political Analyst and Social Commentator.

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